#partofthepuzzle Smartmob in Vienna

SMARTMOB in Vienna (Kick-Off) – We are all a #partofthepuzzle!

Thursday, 24.9.2015 – 12:00 am (Meeting at 11:50 Uhr)
At Stephansplatz, Vienna

Sing the European Anthem (Ode to Joy) with us and set a clear sign for a human european policy in treating protection seeking people!
Musically support is made by the members of the Radiosymphonie orchestra, some chorusmembers from Voices of Volunteers and a lot of students!!!

Be #partofthepuzzle!
Write down your personal wishes for asylumseekers on puzzlepieces, which you will be handed there. Symbolic they will be put together to a big puzzle.
Make a picture from you and your friends with the puzzlepiece and post on Social Media with the Hashtag #partofthepuzzle!

Music knows neither language, nor borders, nor prejudices and connectes people like nothing else in the world.
We would be happy to see you, to sing a clear message out to the world.

The songtext of the “Ode to Joy” you can download right here

You can find more information about it on Facebook!