
YoungCaritas en Europe est un network de 7 YoungCaritas plates-formes en Europe, se composant de youngCaritas Suisse, youngCaritas Autriche, youngCaritas Vienne, youngCaritas Tirol du Sud, youngCaritas Allemagne, Young Caritas Luxembourg et Young Caritas France.

Contact pour le network „YoungCaritas in Europe“

Caritas Jeunes et Familles asbl.
Young Caritas Luxembourg
B.P. 35 | L-5801 Hesperange
Tél. : 36 74 68 | Fax. : 36 50 43
20, rue de Contern | L-5955 Itzig
Tel: +352 36 74 68 – 1 | Fax: +352 36 50 43

Agréments. gouvernementaux:
SECO RNAI Fsé 201403/12
SECO RNAI AA 201403/13

Contact to the editor:

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YoungCaritas in Europe makes every effort to ensure, but does not guarantee, the accuracy of the information on its web site. Hyperlinks to other web sites imply neither responsibility for, nor approval of, the information contained in those other web sites on the part of YoungCaritas in Europe.

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The information contained on this web site may be freely used for non-commercial purposes, provided that any reproduction of data be accompanied by an acknowledgement of YoungCaritas in Europe as the source.
This does not apply to the logo of YoungCaritas in Europe and other images or pictures.
The reproduction of information contained on web sites which are hyperlinked to this web site or in documents of other organisations which are published on this web site require acknowledgement and authorisation of the original source.

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