A tool from youngcaritas Dortmund (Germany)
What do you do?
Literature meets social action. The Bookeneers are young refugee women joining an alternative book club. Word by word, sentence by sentence the women read together, learn the language of their new homeland and talk about cultural differences and similarities. While explaining words with tooth and nail or putting one´s foot in it when
it comes to cultural misunderstandings the learnings are quite often framed by the women rolling on the floor laughing. Casually friendships develop and the Bookeneers take more courage in sailing through the unknown waters of a new environment.
What do you need?
- 5–10 refugee women
- 1–3 volunteers
- one book each (possible as donation from a bookshop, topic of the book could be a tough girl)
- a room for hosting the book club (chilled atmosphere, sofas …)
- 1–2 hours on a weekly basis
- tea, cookies
YC Dortmund (Germany)
Kristina Sobiech
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