A network for a solidary Europe

youngCaritas in Europe is a network consisting of five international youngCaritas’ from France, Germany, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland and two local youngCaritas located in South-Tyrol as well as in Vienna. All together we are appointing for global solidarity.As a network we are providing the opportunities for young people in Europe to get information, to exchange and socially participate and engage since 2014.
Strategic partnerships
With the financial help of Erasmus+ and Movetia, which started in November 2017, we are able to expand our strategic partnership under the topic “you are welcome- young ideas for a solidary world”. Thereby we are engaging for Europe and a as a whole in concert acting community in Europe.
Together we demand for peace, justice and equal opportunities
for everyone. Within the scope of our partnership we host ex-
change meetings, containing many activities like workshops,
institution attending to take a look behind the curtain of the
projects of youngCaritas in Europe and moreover social orien-
tated projects are getting realized. More information you can
find at our AGENDA
At the first European Young Caritas Conference on Social Education and Young Volunteerism, which took place from November 21st until November 23rd 2018 in Vienna, 70 participants from 31 different countries have contributed to the Vienna Declaration on Young Caritas.
You want to become an active member of youngCaritas in Europe?
Sign in at your local youngCaritas under, follow us on Facebook
or Instagram.
By working all together we can change the world.