We haven’t forgotten! …that 36,000 refugees have to live in reception centers designed for 5,400 people. …that the basic needs

We haven’t forgotten! …that 36,000 refugees have to live in reception centers designed for 5,400 people. …that the basic needs
The humanitarian catastrophe at the turkish-greek border needs to stop. We demand a european actionplan and a massive extension of
Have fun and look forward to another two years of good cooperation 🥳😃 In October 2019, the seven partners of
Nowadays populism is one of the important topics if you talk about Europe. The Summer University of the network “Young
European digital smartmob for the European Election 2019 Imagine how a murmur for Europe goes through the digital mass. Thanks
Andi Lustenberger from Switzerland and Paul Galles from Luxembourg were a the Caritaskongress of Caritas Germany in Berlin! Over a
From 13 to 16 June 2019, 50 young people from six countries will meet in the Black Forest (D) to
The 7 YoungCaritas in Europe organizations, from Luxembourg, France, Germany, Austria, Vienna, South-Tirol and Switzerland, met on the 23rd of
70 delegates from 31 European countries met for the first European Conference on Social Education and Young Volunteerism in Vienna.
What do we do at YoungCaritas? Check the toolkit from YoungCaritas in Europe and find out: 13 actions from 7
The political situation in the EU seems pretty tense at the moment. Europe is polarized, opinions are mixed. We asked
The Action Meeting that took place from Thursday June 14th to Sunday June 17th was a success ! 51 participants
You are between 18 and 35 years old? You are sensitive to solidary involvement and to the activities of Caritas?
The 2018 Regional Conference of Caritas Europa took place in Tbilisi (Georgia) from the 7th to the 9th of May. It was an
Hello everybody! This year the YoungCaritas is planning something great for you: A huge ACTION MEETING for young, engaged people